Thursday 21 January 2010

Sirius Black

Sirius Black
– he was a pure-blood wizard, Orion's and Walburga’s son, Regulus’s older brother. In Hogwarts Sirius was in the Gryffindor, where he met James Potter, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. They became best friends and together made The Map of Marauders. He was an unregistered animagus, like James and Peter. He was changing into a big, black dog. That’s why his friends called him Padfoot. When he was sixteen, he run away from home and lived with James and his parents, who treated him like their own son.

After school Sirius was still a best friend of James and became the godfather of his son, Harry. When they recived an information that Voldemort wants to kill Harry, they decided to hide. James and his family needed the Secret-Keeper and they chose Peter. Unfortunately he told Voldemort were they are. Sirius wanted to kill Peter, but he run away as a rat (he was an animagus too). Everybody thought that Black was the Secret-Keeper, that he was working for Voldemort and that he killed Potters, Peter and some muggles. That’s why Sirius became the prisoner of Azkaban. After thirteen years he escaped from the prison and went to Hogwarts to kill Peter, who was hiding as Ron Weasley’s rat.
After all Sirius run away on the hippogriff called Buckbeak. He lived in his family house at 12. Grimmaud Place and was helping the Order of the Fenix.

He was killed by his cousine, Bellatrix Lestrange in the Department of Mysteries when the members of the Order came to save Harry Potter and his friends.

In the film series Sirius is portrayed by Gary Oldman.

Sunday 17 January 2010

My blog

Hi! I named my blog “Harry Potter The Emo” just because we had to do it quick and I had no time to think about good title : ) It means I’m not going to write that Harry Potter is an emo, but I’m going to write about the characters in Harry Potter series. I’m sorry, but I won’t start from writing about Harry, because I don’t like him. I’ll start writing about my favourite characters.